Why PCC’s for Brooklyn in the 21st Century?
Solution for Brooklyn!
The PCC is essentially a hybrid type of electric, pollution free urban transportation vehicle- it combines all of the advantages of a conventional light rail vehicle with all the nostalgic charm of a historic trolley. The PCC’s historically accurate nature only serves to enhance the qualities of the historic and scenic areas it would service. However, the PCC has none of the drawbacks of a conventional light rail vehicle: |
- The PCC can operate in mixed traffic with other vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles. The PCC does not require dedicated traffic lanes, and can actually keep up with traffic. The use of Passenger Boarding Islands eliminates traffic delays due to alighting passengers.
- Due to its light weight, the PCC uses a simplified form of track construction, which costs only a fraction of conventional light rail track.
- The PCC uses a simplified form of overhead wire construction, the cost of which is only a fraction of conventional light rail catenary wires. Since the PCC’s trolley wires are simplified, the visual impacts of the PCC’s wires are greatly mitigated over light rail wires.
- Because the PCC uses a simplified form of track construction not requiring deep excavations, the need for utility relocation is negligible to non-existent.
- Because the PCC can operate in existing city streets, its rails are flush with the roadway and its turning radii fits into existing street geometries, the PCC will not divide neighborhoods by presenting physical or psychological barriers, as do both conventional light rail and divided highways.
- Because of the PCC’s low weight and unique electrical propulsion package, the PCC only uses a fraction of the electrical power requirement of a conventional light rail vehicle. In fact, the PCC spends most of its time coasting and applying brakes. PCC’s do not require the same large scale and costly power substations as do conventional light rail vehicles.
- Several American cities such as San Francisco and Philadelphia have re-discovered the PCC, and have actually reinstated regular revenue service using these sturdy vehicles.
